Full Process Application

College Advising for best economical selection for individuals ' household incomes, online hour-long sessions to discuss aid, in depth back n forth between students and our mentors for up to a month after semester starts

Full Process Application

College Advising for best economical selection for individuals ' household incomes, online hour-long sessions to discuss aid, in depth back n forth between students and our mentors for up to a month after semester starts


Why You?

Don’t go too hefty about how badass you are or what all you’ve accomplished in life, start with humility, but don’t sound beggish!

Specific Interests

In the middle of the statement should be your specific interests and why you are qualified to study what you want to study. This paragraph should entail your experiences and how they have shaped your thought towards pursuing what you want to pursue for your undergrad or graduate studies.

Specific College

Some schools want a 500 word personal statement, others want a 2000 word one. Depending on your particular needs, we will help with alignment of the whole document from start to finish.

Reason you are the Qualified One!

We advise our students on their financial and academic need basis what their strengths are through brainstorming. One of the biggest things universities look for is what you can do for them, not what they can do for you.

Our Students

Our students have gotten into Johns Hopkins, Georgia Tech and Syracuse University’s graduate program, all three of which are among the top rated schools in America, among other notable schools.